Decentralise or Die!!! & Rewards News...

GM CEN Fam 👊

We’re back with your regular dose of vitamin D ☀️ (IYKYK).

Today’s edition includes:

  • Sweet Reads

  • FLR Staking FAQs

  • A Wild Idea For CEN Rewards

But first… 


Studies on the benefits of psychedelics have shown incredible benefits, even curing addiction.

Our interest in mind altering substances was first piqued by the Tim Ferris podcast when he covered micro dosing for productivity.

Now we get our weekly psychedelics news from Tricycle Day, featuring creators, CEOs and ex addicts.

Check it out, it’s totally free and you can unsubscribe at anytime (plus you’ll help add up to $400 to the CEN rewards pool!):

Tricycle DayJoin 65,000+ subscribers getting smarter about psychedelics in under 10 minutes a week. Research 🔬, policy 🏛️, and business 📈, with a side of spicy memes. 🫠

Another Read That Tickled Our Pickle This Week

Andrzej Mackowiak wrote another great blog, this time about decentralisation.

He points out how Bitcoin is being embraced by traditional finance with the current bullish sentiment caused by BTC ETF news.

Think about that. The OG crypto currency origionally created to decentralise finance and bypass fat cat bankers, can now be pumped or dumped by the SEC’s response to a BlackRock fund application.

Staking FAQs

Thank you for all the replies since we shared our staking plans earlier this week.

Here are a few FAQs:

Do we still need a minimum of 50,000 FLR to start staking?

Yep, not sure why 50k was chosen as the minimum but thems the rules…

How do you know where you’re at within the 2 weeks of claimable staking rewards?

Simple Answer: Just wait until you see your first claimable rewards, then it’s easy to track the two week cycles going forwards.

Complicated answer:

2 weeks = 4 epochs on Flare. Staking started at epoch 126. The current epoch is 139. There are currently 1.5 weeks (3 epochs) until the next claimable rewards.

My staking period just ended, will my assets be returned back to C chain?

No, your assets will remain on P chain until you choose to move them back to C chain. 

Now that your staking period has ended you can choose a new validator to stake to or move your Flare back to C chain and delegate votes to an FTSO signal provider like the good ol’days.

For more info check out Flare’s own explainer blog on Staking.

Rewards ‘n’ Ting

With regular ads for products and newsletters (like the one above) adding to the rewards pool we will soon have funds to dish out.

Thank you to everyone who commented on our recent poll with ideas for the next rewards session.

Most of your ideas involved rewarding CEN holders and increasing balances, which sounds great, we just have to consider some measures to prevent any crazy pump and dumps.

With this in mind we would like to get your views once again.

Take a deep breath, open your mind and let us know your thoughts on the idea of:

The CEN Paper Hands Bitch Tax…

Essentially this ‘tax’ would exclude CEN sellers from participating in upcoming reward sessions (paid for by newsletter advertising revenue).

CEN balance snap shots would take place at random times twice per week.

Any wallets that have reduced CEN balances over the snapshots would be excluded from at least the next reward session.


  • Greater rewards for those that support the CEN ecosystem.

  • We can attract new participants / subscribers…


  • Any reduction in CEN balance would have to be considered a ‘Sell’.

  • Supplying liquidity on a DEX would reduce the CEN balance in your wallet and look like you sold.


Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.


When we next slide into your inbox we’ll include the results from our FXRP poll, we can’t wait to crunch the numbers and share the findings.

If you have yet to vote please head over and add to the data.

Laters 👊