Sup! ☀️👊

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Oi Oi saveloy! 

CEN here, bringing more rays of sunshine to your inbox ☀️ (IYKYK)…

Today we bring you;

  • Sell or Borrow?

  • CEN Rewards

  • Get Ya Rocks Off!

  • Tina Hits The Spot

Will You Play The Billy Game?!

When F-Assets land and $SGB soars to dizzy heights ya’ll will have some tricky decisions to make.

You could sell and top up the Aston Martin fund, but then the tax man comes a’knockin.

Another option is to put your dodger hat on and borrow against assets, Trumpy Bezos style, like the triple comma club.

That’s where Kinetic comes in, a lending/borrowing platform that has proven itself on four other networks.

They put together a great intro blog on medium.

With a great track record already established on Avalanche network, and presumably a degree of vetting from the Flare team, Kinetic looks to be the most stable lending platform for the ecosystem.

RewardsVille, Population: You!

Our advertisers have a minimum of 30 day payment terms, so all those clicks you dished out through November are starting to pay up, we will announce winners soon, let’s top up that fund with more $1 per click content…

Every day, data brokers profit from your sensitive info—phone number, DOB, SSN—selling it to the highest bidder. And who’s buying it? Best case: Companies targeting you with ads. Worst case: Scammers and identity thieves.

It's time you check out Incogni. It scrubs your personal data from the web, confronting the world’s data brokers on your behalf. And unlike other services, Incogni helps remove your sensitive information from all broker types, including those tricky People Search Sites.

Help protect yourself from identity theft, spam calls, and health insurers raising your rates. Plus, just for our readers: Get 60% off the Incogni annual plan at this link with code PRIVACY.

Get Ya Rocks Off!

Dan Rocky has been delivering great content on X, now he’s going one step further by launching a bitchin youtube channel.

Lovin your work Dan 👊

This Is F*ckin Wonderful!

Even if you consider yourself an expert on all things Flare you need to read these layman’s explainers by Tina.

It’s always good to focus on the fundamentals and remember why Flare is the right network to focus on, the future is so bright ☀️

That’s us for 2023

Thank you so much for joining us on this wild ride, we are clocking off for the festive break.

Wishing you all a fantastic new year, see you on the other side 👊