What A Week!!

CEN here, back with a hell of a recap for the week. Here’s our feature length edition, served sunny side up ☀️

Today we bring tons of stuff, including:


  • F-Assets Baby!!! 


The guys at Gokubi have launched their highly anticipated DEX on Songbird and we are very proud to announce that CEN is included in their token list.

Why Xenos?

We featured Gokubi (The Xenos Team) in one of our first editions. Their ambitious plans are coming to life with Xenos DEX.

In Xenos’ app you can select a tokens price from multiple DEXs on songbird. 

With this feature the whole Songbird community can trade the best prices in a single dApp.

This isn’t just a selfish endeavour to get the best price for your trade.

When you buy or sell at the ‘best price’ you are helping to pull prices inline with the other DEXs in the list.

Until now only arbitrage bots have taken advantage of skewed prices across the network, their goal is to take the best prices of tokens, sell them into SGB and dump the SGB for profit.

If the SGB community can take these arb opportunities away from bots we not only protect the liquidity pools, we can use any SGB profits to delegate and further support the network.

Xenos is the only DEX on Songbird to offer limit orders too, so you can set your positions to buy dips or beat the bots.

The Gokubi guys are doing a cautious roll out, taking their time to get it right. Working on unique features (eg: their mechanism that prevents bots from front running orders), the kind of features that you don’t even notice but sure are glad they’re there! 

In Summary…

This isn’t just another nice DEX you might wish to use, it’s the go to DEX for the best prices while bringing more health to the whole Songbird network, what’s not to like?!?!! 

Note: This is not paid content! We have observed Arb Bots slowly draining CEN liquidity pools over time, we will champion any tools that help reduce the impact on the network.

It’s Finally Happening! 

This week came the big news that F-Assets are live on Coston test net.

Just check out this quote from Hugo:

70% of crypto! That’s $700 Billion in assets that can be deployed in DeFi to earn instead of sitting siloed on their non turing complete block chains.

Or put simply: a potential $700 billion of value over collateralised in SGB tokens.

Obviously it would be foolish to expect all $700B in assets to come to Songbird, but we don’t need the whole shebang, just a slither of those siloed assets would send our birdies sky high.

Here’s our favourite bit of the whole announcement:

Q1 2024!

We’ve all had a long grind watching the slow role out of Flare, when Hugo says next it could mean next week or in the coming years.

Which makes sense, the Flare team have taken a lot of heat whenever a date is stated then delayed. They understandably stopped talking about timelines…

Until now!

We’ve got 4 months of regular beta milestones leading up to a massive influx of capital into SGB.

Exciting stuff!

Now let’s keep our feet firmly on the ground with a little bit of the old devil’s advocate, Thana from Enosys had these great points to make about timelines for devs and the role of the SGB community once F-Assets arrive.

We had sooo much to write about this week, then our computer said no… Then our newsletter software needed attention.. Then we couldn’t publish… Humphh

Anyway, enough about us…

Here’s a quick TLDR and some links if you’re keen to dive in

Goodebags Dropped News Of His Latest NFT project:

Spanning SGB, FLR and XRP networks looks pretty damn interesting, here’s the nitty.

Incase You Missed It, The November Community Call Was Pretty Sweet:

Here’s the TLDR:

Etherspot and Web3Auth explained how web3 wallets will be integrated in future, from simplified log in through trusted accounts (think sign in with FaceBook, Google, etc), to wallets that you don’t even know are there until you wish to withdraw funds (think retail loyalty rewards as they are today, with the added use case of withdrawing points as tokens).

A product demonstration by Vodaphone where an electric car charged itself while waiting at a traffic light and made a secure web3 payment for the charge.

FlareOcean Are In Deep Waters: 

There’s been a Twitter buzz regarding FlareOcean, get your 🍿 ready!

Dads4FTSO are suggesting that Flare Ocean may be being operated by a tricky character.

Here’s what we found out:

The character in question has been involved in multi million $ NFT projects that were rugged.

At least one of which was controlled by a multi sig contract.

Multi sig requires more than 1 signature from key figures running the network, hopefully preventing one greedy partner doing bad sh*t.

Well this character secretly created 2 signature profiles for himself in the contract, basically a back door that would allow him to take control of the project at any point.

He did just that, took control, took funds, then weirdly sued the other partners…

Not exactly the type of character you want in the project that you delegate or stake to.

The drama is still unfolding, check out the latest:

That just about wraps us up sports fans, hope you enjoyed this one.